require("luasnip").config.set_config({ -- Setting LuaSnip config -- Enable autotriggered snippets enable_autosnippets = true, -- Use Tab (or some other key if you prefer) to trigger visual selection store_selection_keys = "", }) vim.cmd[[ " Expand or jump in insert mode imap luasnip#expand_or_jumpable() ? 'luasnip-expand-or-jump' : '' " Jump forward through tabstops in visual mode smap luasnip#jumpable(1) ? 'luasnip-jump-next' : '' " Jump backward through snippet tabstops with Shift-Tab (for example) imap luasnip#jumpable(-1) ? 'luasnip-jump-prev' : '' smap luasnip#jumpable(-1) ? 'luasnip-jump-prev' : '' ]] require("luasnip.loaders.from_lua").load({ paths = "~/etc/nvim/luasnip", })