/* * Copyright © 2024 Matthew Wozniak * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "api.h" #include "log.h" #include "render.h" #include "os.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static struct renderctx ctx = { 0 }; static bool is_rendering = false; #define HR(expr) { \ HRESULT hr = expr; \ if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) \ bail(#expr " failed!!! (code %lu)", hr); \ } bool do_frame(struct videomode *this, struct movieinfo *info) { is_rendering = true; IMFSample *sample = NULL; IMFMediaBuffer *imf_buffer = NULL; int szpx = 4; u32 *data = NULL; HR(MFCreateMemoryBuffer(ctx.width * ctx.height * szpx, &imf_buffer)); HR(imf_buffer->lpVtbl->Lock(imf_buffer, (u8 **)&data, NULL, NULL)); // THIS IS SLOW!! u32 *raw = malloc(ctx.width * ctx.height * szpx); this->vt->read_screen_pixels(this, 0, 0, ctx.width, ctx.height, raw, IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888); for (int y = ctx.height - 1; y > 0; y--) { memcpy(data + ((ctx.height - y) * ctx.width), raw + y * ctx.width, szpx * ctx.width); /* for (int x = 0; x < ctx.width; x++) { data[(ctx.height - y) * ctx.width + x] = raw[y * ctx.width + x]; } */ } free(raw); HR(imf_buffer->lpVtbl->Unlock(imf_buffer)); HR(imf_buffer->lpVtbl->SetCurrentLength(imf_buffer, ctx.width * ctx.height * szpx)); HR(MFCreateSample(&sample)); HR(sample->lpVtbl->AddBuffer(sample, imf_buffer)); u64 sample_duration = (u64)((1.0 / (double)ctx.fps) * 10000000.0); HR(sample->lpVtbl->SetSampleDuration(sample, sample_duration)); u64 sample_time = sample_duration * info->curframe; HR(sample->lpVtbl->SetSampleTime(sample, sample_time)); HR(ctx.sink_writer->lpVtbl->WriteSample(ctx.sink_writer, ctx.stream_index, sample)); sample->lpVtbl->Release(sample); imf_buffer->lpVtbl->Release(imf_buffer); return true; } typeof((*videomode)->vt->write_movie_frame) orig_write_movie_frame; void VIRTUAL hook_write_movie_frame(struct videomode *this, struct movieinfo *info) { if (!do_frame(this, info)) die("oopsie!"); } bool do_stop() { HR(ctx.sink_writer->lpVtbl->Flush(ctx.sink_writer, ctx.stream_index)); HR(ctx.sink_writer->lpVtbl->Finalize(ctx.sink_writer)); HR(MFShutdown()); return true; } static void (VIRTUAL *orig_stop_playback)(struct demoplayer *); void VIRTUAL hook_stop_playback(struct demoplayer *this) { orig_stop_playback(this); if (!is_rendering) return; is_rendering = false; if (!do_stop()) die("oopsie!"); // TODO: IPC mode so we don't have to restart the game for every demo exit(0); } bool render_init(int width, int height, int framerate, bool use_bitrate, int quality, const char *output_file, int qvs) { bool r = os_mprot((*videomode)->vt, 28 * sizeof(void *), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if (!r) bail("couldn't mprotect videomode vtable"); orig_write_movie_frame = (*videomode)->vt->write_movie_frame; (*videomode)->vt->write_movie_frame = hook_write_movie_frame; r = os_mprot(demoplayer->vt, 18 * sizeof(void *), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if (!r) bail("couldn't mprotect demoplayer vtable"); orig_stop_playback = demoplayer->vt->stop_playback; demoplayer->vt->stop_playback = hook_stop_playback; // make the game thing we are recording a movie (we are!) memcpy(movieinfo->name, "a", 2); movieinfo->type = 0; char framerate_cmd[32] = { 0 }; sprintf(framerate_cmd, "host_framerate %d;", framerate); cbuf_addtext(framerate_cmd); ctx.fps = framerate; ctx.width = width; ctx.height = height; ctx.bit_rate = use_bitrate ? quality : 99999999; MFStartup(MF_VERSION, 0); // init sinkwriter { IMFMediaType *mt_out = NULL; IMFMediaType *mt_in = NULL; u16 path[MAX_PATH] = {0}; info("strlen = %d", strlen(output_file)); mbstowcs(path, output_file, strlen(output_file)); info("rendering to %S", path); HR(MFCreateSinkWriterFromURL(path, NULL, NULL, &ctx.sink_writer)); HR(MFCreateMediaType(&mt_out)); HR(mt_out->lpVtbl->SetGUID(mt_out, &MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, &MFMediaType_Video)); HR(mt_out->lpVtbl->SetGUID(mt_out, &MF_MT_SUBTYPE, &MFVideoFormat_H264)); HR(mt_out->lpVtbl->SetUINT32(mt_out, &MF_MT_AVG_BITRATE, ctx.bit_rate)); HR(mt_out->lpVtbl->SetUINT32(mt_out, &MF_MT_MPEG2_PROFILE , eAVEncH264VProfile_Main)); HR(mt_out->lpVtbl->SetUINT32(mt_out, &MF_MT_INTERLACE_MODE, MFVideoInterlace_Progressive)); HR(mt_out->lpVtbl->SetUINT64(mt_out, &MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE, ((u64)ctx.width << 32) | ctx.height)); HR(mt_out->lpVtbl->SetUINT64(mt_out, &MF_MT_FRAME_RATE, ((u64)ctx.fps << 32) | 1)); HR(mt_out->lpVtbl->SetUINT64(mt_out, &MF_MT_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO, (((u64)1 << 32) | 1))); HR(ctx.sink_writer->lpVtbl->AddStream(ctx.sink_writer, mt_out, &ctx.stream_index)); HR(MFCreateMediaType(&mt_in)); HR(mt_in->lpVtbl->SetGUID(mt_in, &MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, &MFMediaType_Video)); HR(mt_in->lpVtbl->SetGUID(mt_in, &MF_MT_SUBTYPE, &MFVideoFormat_ARGB32)); HR(mt_in->lpVtbl->SetUINT32(mt_in, &MF_MT_INTERLACE_MODE, MFVideoInterlace_Progressive)); HR(mt_in->lpVtbl->SetUINT64(mt_in, &MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE, ((u64)ctx.width << 32) | ctx.height)); HR(mt_in->lpVtbl->SetUINT64(mt_in, &MF_MT_FRAME_RATE, ((u64)ctx.fps << 32) | 1)); HR(mt_in->lpVtbl->SetUINT64(mt_in, &MF_MT_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO, (((u64)1 << 32) | 1))); HR(ctx.sink_writer->lpVtbl->SetInputMediaType(ctx.sink_writer, ctx.stream_index, mt_in, NULL)); HR(ctx.sink_writer->lpVtbl->BeginWriting(ctx.sink_writer)); HR(ctx.sink_writer->lpVtbl->AddRef(ctx.sink_writer)); } // video encoding parameters { ICodecAPI *codec; HR(ctx.sink_writer->lpVtbl->GetServiceForStream(ctx.sink_writer, 0, &GUID_NULL, &IID_ICodecAPI, (void*)&codec)); // use a quality VBR int ratecontrol = use_bitrate ? eAVEncCommonRateControlMode_UnconstrainedVBR : eAVEncCommonRateControlMode_Quality; VARIANT _ratecontrol = { .vt = VT_UI4, .ulVal = ratecontrol }; HR(codec->lpVtbl->SetValue(codec, &CODECAPI_AVEncCommonRateControlMode, &_ratecontrol)); // set the quality VARIANT _quality = { .vt = VT_UI4, .ulVal = quality }; HR(codec->lpVtbl->SetValue(codec, &CODECAPI_AVEncCommonQuality, &_quality)); VARIANT _qvs = { .vt = VT_UI4, .ulVal = qvs }; HR(codec->lpVtbl->SetValue(codec, &CODECAPI_AVEncCommonQualityVsSpeed, &_qvs)); // set the gop size to 2 seconds VARIANT gop = { .vt = VT_UI4, .ulVal = 2 * ctx.fps }; HR(codec->lpVtbl->SetValue(codec, &CODECAPI_AVEncMPVGOPSize, &gop)); // enable 2 b-frames VARIANT bframes = { .vt = VT_UI4, .ulVal = 2 }; HR(codec->lpVtbl->SetValue(codec, &CODECAPI_AVEncMPVDefaultBPictureCount, &bframes)); codec->lpVtbl->Release(codec); } return true; } // vi: sw=4 ts=4 noet tw=80 cc=80